The Hope For Us Charity

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THEME: How RELEVANT Is Professional Training of Teachers to The School System?

Date: 16th September, 2020.

It is important to understand that teaching is an evolving skill, because a good teacher just like a good student keeps on learning within the framework of information. Teaching and learning go hand in hand & teaching is a truly lifelong career, which makes it important for schools to invest immensely in the professional development of staff. Professional Development is the need of the hour and continuous teacher training/enhancement is necessary for teachers to equip themselves & cater seamlessly to the 21st century learner.

So, our "Educational Pillar of HOPE FOR US CHARITY" believes an ongoing Professional Development is a critical part of the teaching-learning process. Good teacher training puts emphasis on updating teachers with latest research in the education field. It is in this light that the "Educational Pillar" has put in place a routine program as part of sustainable education and professional development of teachers. Last year, our Southwest region had wonderful teacher training workshops in Ibadan, Nigeria and a host of others will be coming up this year.

It is a known fact, those students who have well informed teachers tend to perform far better than their peers. Therefore, it is very important that the school management pays attention to professional development of staff.

The training of staff must center on subject-specific training and generic training that lead to the holistic development of all those concerned- both novices and experienced staff. Teachers must get a hang of innovative pedagogy, interactive assessment techniques and use of differentiation in the classroom to enliven the teaching-learning process. It’s important that teachers be aware of the different kind of learners under their care and ways of dealing with them. Better training leads to positive learning environments and in turn this leads to happy children who are more than willing to come to school

Mentoring and coaching too, form a part of teacher training which helps teachers learn from best practices and analyze and reflect on their teaching.

It’s important that teachers are aware of up-coming technology tools for enhancing the classroom experience. Teachers must learn to collaborate, innovate and reflect.

Learn, unlearn & relearn is the only pathway to be a successful & outstanding teacher. Therefore, why questions our though processes and say YES to professional development- that’s how important it is. Competent and well-performing teacher is one of the most important resources in any educational institution. The teacher is considered the professional agent and the most directly responsible person in the process of learning; they are the ones in charge of helping students learn and benefit or suffer from the quality of their teaching. Given this, the teacher and the quality of his teaching are always under discussion and receive prevalent importance in education. Nowadays, the Nigerian educational institutions, like any other educational institutions around the world, is at risk when it comes to the fact that we may encounter a situation whereby our educational systems fail to educate and form excellent learners. As a result of such concerns, there is usually a persistent need in education to assure effective teaching for students at all levels. The call today is for teachers’ evaluation procedures as a way to provide assurance in the education processes. Lack of professional training and professional development of teachers can be a key source for any dissatisfaction in the quality of their teaching to form competent students with the necessary knowledge and skills in the different subject matters. Today, there is a need to shift from traditional-based teaching that is largely based on theoretical educational processes to a research-theory-based teaching that informs and inspires teaching practices. This is claimed to have a deep implication in education reflecting the fact that teachers should be in constant contact with research for possible future teaching innovations and incorporating new research findings in their teaching practices to improve leaning and assure high-quality teaching. Teachers’ professional development is a necessary ingredient to support innovative and beneficial teaching, which is why Hope For Us Charity' has made it a priority to his outreach projects.

It is important that schools recognize the importance of well-structured teacher development programs which are in tandem with the teaching learning requirements of the schools. Teacher development programs should be given their due importance in the curriculum as they have a great role to play in the students’ performance and development.

'HFU' believes, we owe it to our teachers, students and our nation to ensure that our teachers have the required routine training and support they need to prepare students in this 21st Century.

Amber Amos Luper,